A Werewolf Comes to Our Barbecue

and behaves himself…for now

Laura Sheridan
Sep 13, 2022
(image purchased from canstockphoto.com)

Silent by tree stumps, he treads
the hardstar darkness
paw by paw by paw.

Hens squawk at his arrival, new lambs
wail, rats scuttle into hiding.

He is polite, shows
irregular teeth, takes up a plate
with the swirl of a hairy hand, he’s baffled
by falafels, disparages asparagus

but Wellington Beef
goes down well, pork ribs are popular, steaks
preferred to cakes, sausages on sticks
confound his kind, chopsticks
are impossible. He’s a misfit

made of furred gristle, a tracker
sniffing moist trails, fang-toothed funster
waltzing twirled branches, dancing by moonlight,
sparring, snarling, scratching, mating. Maestro

of the silver night
bite not my thigh, be satisfied
with rice, pastel ice and jelly of the strawberry kind
and please
leave behind
the full complement of diners.



Laura Sheridan

I write to entertain, explain…and leave a tickle of laughter in your brain.